Saturday, April 10, 2010

UFPPS - Union des Femmes pour la paix et promotion sociale.

Wednesday, Kinshasa. St . Patrick's day.

Mugisa tells me about the UFPPS. They have groups in 2 provinces = Katanga : Lumbumbashi, Kasumbalis, Kalemie, Malemba, Mocambo, Kanyama. Orientale: Bunia, Geti, Komanda, Kasenyi, Sota, Tekele. **Here's a task for the reader. Locate these cities/towns online on a map search of your choosing. Pls let me know the results!!!

There are now 5,043 members of UFPPS. Their activities include farming, micro-loans to women and seminars about HIV-AIDS, peace, reconciliation, leadership, rape, sewing,knitting and embroidery and alphabetisation or literacy. A priority for the women is to learn how to read and write, so they can also teach their children.
The work the UFPPS is doing in the area of empowering women is terrific. Please pray for their continued success.
Parish visits that afternoon, next.

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