Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last Sunday at Christ Church

Amazing Sunday. Incredible Men and Boys choir at 11:15! Saying "Au Revoir" was not easy at all. Miraculous how people climb into your heart and live there...
3 months of sabbatical seems like a very long time. Now I am anxious for someone to pack my stuff and get me to JFK for the Tues. 11PM flight. Tick tock.

hasta luego.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

too much to do, so little time.

I have begun losing my to-do lists. Grateful to the kind and grace-filled people on Vestry last night. Excitement yet anxiety, Deep breaths. Inhaling the peace of God, exhaling the World's chaos.
190 hours and counting.
Peace all...

too much to do, so little time.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Getting ready to go.

Take-off is 9 days away, 11PM 2 March, Emirates to Dubai, Dubai-Addis Abbaba, Addis Abbaba-Kampala, Uganda. Then Uganda-Bunia, Congo on Friday March 5.

Decided 'no' on the mosquito net and space blanket. Have collected everything I think I need and yet I know it will be 5 more trips to CVS, EMS and GNS.

I will be staying with Archbishop Isingoma and his wife Mugisa and their family in Bunia, eastern Congo. We will be travelling to Kinshasa, western Congo, for a conference from March 11-24. Then we return to Bunia for the rest of the month.
While we are in Kinshasa, we will take four days and travel to Kasai province, to visit the pastors there.

As we get closer to take-off, I'll write more.